annaloredana orlando's Notes

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    medal placus


    The company officially starts in June, there is pre-organization now, let's take advantage of it.
    In the video, he talks about the word matrix several times, it is not working yet, but those who get there stand in line and when it opens, people are seated in chronological order.
    That way it will be very fast when it opens. Let's use it.
    Bring a lot of people.

    Best regards


    518 days ago days ago
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    medal owmdeals

    Hi Anna, thanks for your nice feedback... ;-0

    3286 days ago days ago
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    medal lucie

    Hi Annaloredana! Thanks for your nice comment about my system to get referrals! Let me know if you have any questions! Have a great day!

    3310 days ago days ago
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    medal osemar10

    Thank you all and a pleasure to be one of you

    3315 days ago days ago
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    medal mrpgn123

    Thanks for the comment

    3338 days ago days ago
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    medal aannalor

    I thank you all for your feeback. Sometimes feel very silly to post comments when you are so much more experienced than I am. Any way thanks. I would like to have you all as my friends! Nice day

    3339 days ago days ago
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    medal rtm10170

    Nice seeing more and more people here in this great community. Nice to 'meet' and and good luck with your goals and dreams!!! ~Ryan

    3348 days ago days ago
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    medal owmdeals

    Thanks For Being Active...

    3352 days ago days ago
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    medal baldyken

    Hi Annaloredana! Thanks for your comment on the Fabulous-TE SOTD

    3365 days ago days ago
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    medal aannalor

    Say something to anna loredana orlando...

    3916 days ago days ago
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