Paul Nulty's Notes

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    medal stevesam

    I do not see the site at Sweeva, Good luck Paul. Have a great day!

    2330 days ago days ago
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    medal ejm

    Hi Paul.. I will keep you posted on PURE-LIGHT opening in UK. I appreciate your wisdom and reviews.
    I hope to meet you " Over the TOP" !

    2351 days ago days ago
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    medal rtm10170

    Hope that you have a great day Paul and good luck here at Sweeva, see you around!!!! ~Ryan (I also Tweeted your page for you)

    2605 days ago days ago
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    medal ownbitcoins

    TY Honey

    2805 days ago days ago
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    medal mrpgn123

    Thanks to everyone for all the kind comments, be sure to click the social icons and follow me on FB, Twitter & Skype!

    2945 days ago days ago
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    medal sunseapromos

    Hi Paul ~ I saw that thx! I have to run out for a couple of hours, but will be back this evening and all day tomorrow.

    We can connect on Sykpe if you like and that will be easier. I'd love to get you started in the very best way at GFC! My Skype is: sunseapromos just let me know who you are when you send a connection request.

    Peace and success, Claudia

    3433 days ago days ago
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    medal abrockie

    Thanks for the feedback Paul !!

    3439 days ago days ago
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    medal rtm10170

    Cool splash pages I have seen you make as I like the colors, design and simplicity of the layout. Perfect amount of information and great TE's you have been advertising here. Thanks for sharing and I wish you much success this 2014

    3847 days ago days ago
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    medal barb2birds

    Thanks for you comments on my bird video Paul!

    4050 days ago days ago
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    medal teamsig

    Thx a lot for the Feedback on the LA, Ambition splashpage

    4090 days ago days ago
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    medal teamsig

    Greetings again Paul, your great..yes truly. And thx a lot for your feedbacks, allways nice to read them. Sig

    4102 days ago days ago
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    medal teamsig

    Greetings Paul (My sponsor to CTP) thx for the feedback for our Good growing TE - SSP. Best wishes for the new week and the Aprils FoolsDay..

    4135 days ago days ago
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    medal teamsig

    Thx a lot for the feedback on the 911 page

    4143 days ago days ago
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    medal xantian

    Thanks for your comments Paul but Paul call to action is in a delay and appears at end of and below video. Did you missit??

    4190 days ago days ago
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    medal cashu

    Thanks Paul for stand by.

    4231 days ago days ago