Barb Bromley
2 Sweeva Friends
Barb Bromley's Info
Barb Bromley's Notes
medal lucieclose
Hi Barb! Thanks for your comment! Yes, I really love TEs, because they bring me more traffic, more referrals and more commissions! Let me know if you have any questions about the system I use! Happy surfing!
4932 days ago days ago -
medal health2youclose
we see the workers and we see the leadership and that is why we are there and here for you, we are pretty quiet when people do not see it, we do not chase people and that allows the leaders to step up. Jenn is amazing, I have very strong leaders now and the New Year will be very exciting.
5166 days ago days ago -
medal health2youclose
not everyone joins the travel side although we will be using it, travel, work type of idea, some people like my sponsor joined for the pure business side and will enjoy the travel whenever, also this idea can be that people form a team of surfers, some will and some won't join as a member but our % is around 25% of assoc. eventually converting to members, this is a huge ratio.
5206 days ago days ago -
medal jerryiannucciclose
Hi Barb. Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately the travel industry isn't really my niche. Glad to hear you are making money with it though.
5218 days ago days ago -
medal health2youclose
what kind of health product, I pretty well have all I need but tell me so I know or can refer people to you. You should get this out on DM as it is fresh. Check my profile for the secret DM video to see how DM can serve you, love to have you.
5254 days ago days ago -
medal health2youclose
you can see on my profile page too the movie for building your DM business, I will email you more info but you can actually receive 12 auto responders through this telling you all about DM which help to build our business, you can sign up for as little as 10.00 and use a whole marketing system be a part of the affiliate side, be right up at the top with me, all for less than $10.00 this is going to travel through DM like wildfire and I am I believe, 3rd from the top, I only need one person in my powerleg to qualify and it can be yours, unbelievable spot if you know more, do you know Jay Glasgow on DM, he has a downline of over 8000, guess where he will be building
5254 days ago days ago -
medal aviator1close
Hey Barb, Thank you sweetheart for the invite to DM, but I'm already a member. Have you gone over and gotten your FREE Traffic Apache Platinum upgrade, with the 1O,OOO credits, and the Pro-autoresponder yet. God Bless You and Yours! Cpt. Michael
5256 days ago days ago -
medal aviator1close
Hey Barb, Thanks for the kind words about my new site "Traffic Apache", and will be looking for you on the inside young lady! God Bless and Fly Safe! Cpt. Michael P.S. Sorry for the late response to your comment, but I'm slowly catching up.LOL!
5302 days ago days ago -
medal monikaclose
send me the URL in a PM at the dance, and I'll check it and then talk to Ron about it.. in the mean time you should go ahead and sign up with me and promote your other sites in the mailings, there is a very special upgrade too, so you can mail 3x a day, and no you get only about 40 or so mailings, and 200 credits for each one you read.
5309 days ago days ago -
medal monikaclose
Hi Barb, yes you do see many of the same sites here at Sweeva, but also many different ones at various times, and yes it takes time to see results. The more you communicate with people the better chance you have in selling your programs, products, whatever. You don't need a chance to bid, just accumulate your credits and then bid your site to show a minimum of 3x, to get the exposure, and be sure to leave your own comments at your site, highlighting the best BENEFITS,,, not features, tell them why they should use your product, how it will change their lives for the better. Barb there are no short cuts to achieving a successful business, you have to work it on a daily basis
5311 days ago days ago