Thom Pearson's Notes

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    medal rtm10170

    Say something to Hello and happy holidays. Nice to see you in the community here. I wish you much success ~RyanThom Pearson...

    3219 days ago days ago
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    medal thom2002

    My open reply to, "teamsig Cost me not a cent to play money from PinkFloyd.. Cost not a Single fart to use Cartoons in other ads."

    I suggest you read up on COPYRIGHT LAW, because there is a word for what you are doing... That word is theft.

    3994 days ago days ago
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    medal thom2002

    For anyone else interested in my reply to Jenny...

    A good place to start a little research on Paul Darby is at
    But that is just the tip of the iceberg

    4006 days ago days ago
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    medal thom2002

    Open reply to... "frontiere Your comment on my splash ADVERTISE 4Profit is realy moronic. Are you try this program ?? I earn some money on this.You are idiot 1st class."

    160% in 365 Days. That "365 days" means it may run longer than the average ponzi, but it will still eventually crash, unless the scammers close it and run with the money first.

    You NEED to get educated about how these scams work.

    I would have also posted this directly to "frontiere", but they have blocked me.


    4027 days ago days ago
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    medal frontiere

    Your comment on my splash ADVERTISE 4Profit is realy moronic. Are you try this program ?? I earn some money on this.You are idiot 1st class.

    4027 days ago days ago
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    medal thom2002

    Open reply to... "lve124 My name is Miss.(cynthia johnson)"

    Oh PUH-LEEZE! You cannot seriously expect anyone with a functioning brain cell to fall for this.

    4072 days ago days ago
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    medal thom2002

    The reply I sent to "mfermin209 My my Thom. Such a long winded response from you. I'm sure you're celebrating victory in proving your point..."

    Telexfree !!! You REALLY need to follow the REAL news and not the hype and spin BS they are feeding you.

    4101 days ago days ago
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    medal thom2002

    My reply to...

    "mfermin209 If you would like to know where the money is coming from and the fact that yes "EVERYONE" is getting paid, then check out the video, the site, and learn about the company. Ultimately it will be your decision to move forward or not participate at all. Thank you."

    That is No Answer, so I can only assume that you don't know, you don't care or you don't want to answer.

    If the money is coming from retail customers then there is no problem.

    BUT the video states, "Buy a contract and even if you never sell anything you get paid...".

    They can say "Buy a contact" as many times as they like, it does not change the fact that you put money in and get promised more money out - it is an Investment scheme.

    Investment businesses MUST be registered and licenced with the financial authorities in the countries where they do business. If they are not registered and licenced then they are ILLEGAL.

    Add to that no evidence of retail customers and this looks like a ponzi - need I say, also ILLEGAL.


    4102 days ago days ago
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    medal thom2002

    I have been unfair to a few people and I need to apologize.
    So I am posting this at various places.

    I hope you now understand that problems with profitclicking were inevitable, that there was no way the program was actually sustainable.

    I am posting now because I want to apologize to you for giving up on trying to warn you. That was petty-minded of me, I am sorry, I should not give up on anyone


    4153 days ago days ago
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    medal thom2002

    Replying to this, posted privately.

    You posted
    aviator1 You are a real piece of work. Hehehe

    My reply,
    aviator1 is not happy about my comment on a site he is promoting, namely "ProfitClicking".

    My comment was, "Even with all the people complaining about not getting payouts from ProfitClicking... you are STILL promoting it".

    I believe ProfitClicking is as good as dead, if you have money in it - wave goodbye to it.

    If you made a profit from it... know this, Your Profit is STOLEN Money!


    4200 days ago days ago
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    medal thom2002

    Replying to followup posts, also posted privately.

    You posted
    XXXXXXXX Hi again Thom...
    I appreciate you responding and your concerns about members loosing their money. That is not the way it has been planned. It's not relying on member's money to pay out others that invested earlier. I know that from earlier experiences, and have lost a lot myself.

    This is not Ponzi or Pyramid and I don't believe it to be illegal.

    I'm happy to keep you informed on progress and become friends, if you are interested. The last thing we want to do is rip people off. I sincerely believe that members will be very pleased with the results of Advanced Money Machine.


    You posted
    XXXXXXXX Hi again Thom...
    So you are a bit of a stirer... Thom, after skimiing through your posts.

    It makes me think... we should be friends.... ~smile~

    My reply,
    Read my post again, you have obviously misunderstood it
    I did not write that it was a Ponzi or Pyramid.
    I wrote, "This IS an ILLEGAL investment scheme".

    It is not registered to handle investments - that is ILLEGAL.
    It is guaranteeing a return on investments - that is ILLEGAL.

    This is nothing to do with "belief", these are FACTS - FACT, IT IS ILLEGAL.

    Are you naive enough to really believe that someone who is running an illegal investment scheme would have any problem with lying, cheating and stealing?

    Also think on this... I have been warning people about these illegal schemes for over 9 years and I have NEVER been wrong yet!

    If you want to call that "stirring", then I say, "This Planet needs more Stirrers"


    4200 days ago days ago
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    medal thom2002

    This comment was posted PRIVATE on my profile,
    "XXXXXXXX Hi Thom. Don't jump to conclusions. That 400% doesn't happen in 24 hours... but that is the guaranteed returnIt's not a scam so don't be so quick to judge as it is a real and genuine opportunity and paid out from real investments. Why not join Advanced Money Machine and check it out yourself. It's Free to join."

    My Reply,
    I am not jumping to conclusions.
    The time period is immaterial. Any scheme that guarantees a return on an investment is lying to you. It is impossible and illegal to make such a guarantee.
    Plus "Advanced Money Machine" is not registered with the financial authorities to handle investments - that is also illegal.

    This IS an ILLEGAL investment scheme and I have no problem predicting that the Vast Majority of people that pay in to it WILL lose their money..


    4201 days ago days ago
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    medal teamsig

    well if its copyright materiell..they better put (c) on the stuff...its all over the well if they have an issue with it...let them call me... thx for feedback..I dont worrie.

    4208 days ago days ago
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    medal thom2002

    This comment was posted PRIVATE on my profile,
    "XXXXXXXX hi friend about F. Mann is back. all i can say is that i earned a lot and i say a lot from JBP but very little from profitclicking but i'm always careful how to put money in a site so i'm never in a loss so in that matter i say i'm proud that i was a member of JBP and although i sure be careful like before am looking forward to clickpaid. everyone have an opinion"

    My reply,
    Ponzi scheme Definition:
    Scam in which gullible people are lured by the promise of very high returns on their money in a very short time. BUT it is based on paying out the early "investors" with the cash from new "investors". The whole scheme collapses when the cash outflow exceeds the cash inflow. However, the scumbags running the scam usually disappear with the money before the collapse happens.

    If you make a profit from this... Know this, the money you received will come from all the people who pay in and get NOTHING back when this scheme dies. Your profit will be money scammed out of other people.


    4227 days ago days ago
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    medal thom2002

    my reply to kleberagro

    A better attitude would be "Let's make the World a better, safer place"...

    And that starts with doing The Right Thing, even when no one is going to catch you if you behave unethically.


    4255 days ago days ago
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