Jon Olson's Notes

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    medal grlpgpag


    15 days ago days ago
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    medal 1youcantoo

    Hi Jon how are u doing I. Just surfing checking things out.

    2287 days ago days ago
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    medal tinaim25

    hello , I just saw your message and yes we have all kinds of coffee . good stuff

    2557 days ago days ago
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    medal rtm10170

    Cheers to you Mr. Jon Olson I hope that you are having a great day ~Ryan

    2631 days ago days ago
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    medal videomemo

    i fixed to program with a button so no more videos on the ad that was the problem, it took Robert three days to tell me why i was tossed then he said i was a multiple TOS violator i've never crossed any tos befpre no other site had problem but i fixed it ayway just in case..... please help me i miss my buddies at TERL i wa about to upgrade there now i'm not sure anymore

    3080 days ago days ago
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    medal videomemo

    Jon talk to Robert about my being TOSed out of TERL he tosed me out not the program that's wrong, i have feeling you know i'm almost in tears about this i am going on 70 may 29th i'm too tired to fight this battle talk to Robert Arnold about people have feelings programs don't mind rejection people do.... thanks
    videomemo- i have never done anything on purpose to any TE here or elsewhere as you know....

    3080 days ago days ago
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    medal franwats

    Hi Jon...hope you are having a great weekend.

    3201 days ago days ago
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    medal bestbiz5000

    Hi Jon thanks for your comment on my TTP something big page really appreciated it

    3715 days ago days ago
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    medal rtm10170

    I look forward to seeing your future work, and what that has in store regarding your great successes, and obstacles surpassed...I wish you a bright and prosperous future friend. ~Ryan

    3755 days ago days ago
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    medal ikarus56

    Hi Jon, thanks a lot vor your command at my splashsite of cliixsence at sweeva. You are right. Will Change it the next Days.

    3757 days ago days ago
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    medal terripattiomlmentor

    Jon glad to know CTP is still online. I wish you continued success.

    3903 days ago days ago
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    medal rtm10170

    Cool videos in all your ads and pages as always Jon. Simple and to the point. Fun and upbeat. A+++ Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see what the future has to offer!!! The very best of luck to you in 2014 ~Ryan

    3934 days ago days ago
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    medal monika

    Hi Jon, Why does the 12 days of Xmas program require our email address, when I already belong to just about all of Tim Tech's programs?

    3969 days ago days ago
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    medal rtm10170

    Welcome. I added you as a friend and wanted to wish you the best of luck to everything that you do here. I like the work you have done thus far and wish you much success. I am always here to help out too but I think you know well as to what you are doing Jon, or just chat and exchange ideas. Hope to see you around the web. Take care

    4135 days ago days ago
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    medal bestbiz5000

    Hiya Jon thank you so much for all your comments on my pages. Here and during the sweeva surf parties. Makes me feel like I'm actually getting somewhere in this business

    4170 days ago days ago