Steven Ackerman's Notes

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    medal placus


    The company officially starts in June, there is pre-organization now, let's take advantage of it.
    In the video, he talks about the word matrix several times, it is not working yet, but those who get there stand in line and when it opens, people are seated in chronological order.
    That way it will be very fast when it opens. Let's use it.
    Bring a lot of people.

    Best regards


    566 days ago days ago
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    medal rtm10170

    Nice looking page Steven keep up the great work, always nice to see you around!!! I tweeted your site and added you as a friend...check out this neat site (TripleClicks listed on my profiles' sites - no links you allowed here) if you want and sign up. Contact me here on my profile if you want a free gift card that is worth $12 on the site. It can also provide you with many ways to earn money online and is the #1 online earning program to date. Have a nice day friend. If you wound want a gift card just ask and I will provide you the code you use on the site!

    2836 days ago days ago
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    medal ackerman

    Codex gives you free advertising

    3107 days ago days ago
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    medal stevesam

    What is Codex supposed to do?

    3146 days ago days ago
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    medal janetlegere

    Hi Steven, I just added you to my Skype contacts and look forward to connecting! Have a great day Janet Legere

    3769 days ago days ago
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    medal aviator1

    Hi Steven,

    I think it was about a week ago. When you first opened your account, they asked you for a 6 digit code? That's the one they want. I try to use the same one every time or I save them in RoboForm. If you don't have Roboform, you can install it for FREE. It's an invaluable tool for all marketers online.

    Hope that helps Steven!

    God Bless You and Yours!

    Cpt. Michael

    4300 days ago days ago